
ive been playing town of salem 2!! its fun, but soo scary...

i really really love lies and deception and deceiving and lying. i would almost go as far as to say that lying is a special interest of mine but that sounds kind of weird so i dont say that usually. but i think making believable lies is like the most satisfying thing in the world so i love games where you get to lie to people!!! cuz obviously u cant just go around lying in real life. thats mean...

but wow town of salem 2 is so different from town of salem 1! lying is like way more complicated, theres so much for me to learn!! in the first game it was usually just "oh im serial killer, and if investigator looks at me the game will tell him im either serial killer or doctor, so i'll claim doctor". now its just like! claim whatever!!! and just try to be convincing!! theres wayyy more possibilities....

i won my first game yesterday as an evil role. but the messed up thing is that i didnt even really have to lie!! i was kinda just subtly pushing attention onto others so ppl never even asked me what role i was until it was too late for them...


tell a lie right now!!!

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