
what ive been up to (1. - 9. october)

hi! welcome to my first "what ive been up to", for 1. october - 9. october. ive seen different ppl who do weekly or monthly updates, and i thought that sounded fun! i dont want to commit to an exact schedule, but i'll be doing these occasionally!

i'll be writing about what ive been listening to, playing, watching, doing, etc., and also about cool stuff ive seen online!


i checked out prior panic recently! really love their music. i discovered them because i was exploring different blogs, and came across aloe's website. on their links i like section they have a link to this band! apparently they're in a new incarnation of this band, and im really excited to hear recordings from that new lineup!

i also listened to HONEYMOON PHASE [LIMERANCE] by vylet pony on repeat like 30 times. that song's good!!! all of vylet pony's music is.

and my obsession with lesbian bed death has not ceased yet. pretty but mental and fury have been some of the favourites


ive not been playing that much lately!

ive played a bit of hoptix when ive had time. for my broader thoughts on hoptix, i have a whole blog post about that! but to summarize i think its a really good game and i like to play it for a bit when im at my desktop computer and i have the time.

and i started playing super lesbian animal rpg! ive not gotten that far into slarpg yet, but i chose the power of love! i couldnt possibly pick anything else. thats basically where i got to when i last played it, though! im excited to actually start playing it when i have time!!! and also slarpg is one of the best game acronyms out there

i found out recently that town of salem 2 is free apparently? i loved town of salem 1, even played ranked sometimes because i got soo into the mechanics and meta and everything, so this is great news for me. the only reason i hadnt been playing town of salem 2 up until this point was cuz i thought it cost money. so i havent actually played any of it lately, but i know im going to!


i finished watching star trek: discovery with zoe! thoroughly enjoyed the whole show, although, as zoe put it, the last season did feel a bit too much like star wars. it feels like normally the over-arching plot threads in star trek are more like, conflicts with big scary empires, or less identifiable threats, and i like that. but star trek discovery's last season spent most of the season with the main threat being like, a pair of ne'er-do-wells. like, sure, they are stealing technology that could destroy the entire world, but it feels wrong that its like. two guys.

they make it more interesting towards the end, and i still thought those two ne'er-do-wells were compelling, but i definitely preferred the earlier seasons to this one. the red angel arc in season 2 was for sure the best, the way everything came together at the end was so satisfying. i also really enjoyed gabriel lorca's arc, and georgiu's arc throughout her stay on the show.

its not a show or a movie, but ive also been watching northernlion. i dont know what it is about the guy, but watching him do wordle-like games or cine2nerdle (a pvp game where you and the opponent take turns naming movies that have some sort of connection with the previous movie until one of you cant come up with anything new) is very relaxing. ive had him on in the background a lot while doing other stuff.


ive been working a lot on this website! after cohost went read-only it was kinda like "oh shit, i have nothing to do now" and then i went into an intense state of hyperfixating on this here website.

the outside world has been way too overwhelming lately, so tinkering with this website has been a really nice escape from that stuff. it feels like website stuff is like the only thing i can do right now where everything i do feels awesome. im super proud of the comments and the asks! and the new colour scheme (#A67BFF is my new BFF colour!!!!) makes me so happy! its good to have something like this. i am so happy websites exist.

i also made this 88x31 button, bc i wanted a button that says "i <3 shinx"

a button with shinx on the left, and text that alternates between 'I HEART' and 'SHINX' on the right.

oh! and also i added a table of contents and changed the styling of headings in posts. this was not easy, and i will save the rambling about it for another post.

cool stuff i've come across!

sudoku xv

sudoku xv is a fun twist on sudoku, by keeri. normal sudoku rules apply, but in addition adjacent squares are marked with a v or an x if they add up to 5 or 10. i did a couple, very fun to solve, although i wish it had pencil marks so i didnt have to take a screenshot and solve it in gimp.....

false knees

false knees is an adorable webcomic about birds. the world it creates makes me happy. i discovered it on ant's link page!


speaking of ant, their website, ant.computer, is really nice. their latest blog post is about the latest changes they made to their website, and i thoroughly enjoyed reading about the challenges they faced and their approach to making their website. im so happy websites exist!!

citadark's poems

i came across citadark lately, and checked out some of his writing. im really glad i did! his poems are really good, and especially CONTENT WARNINGS (cws: suicide, death, abuse) really resonated with me. the way he writes about these topics really speaks to me in a way i havent seen many other works do before.

i also read two of his other poems, sun break and a siren's lament. both are distinctly more positive than CONTENT WARNINGS, while still approaching many of the same subject matters. i especially liked a siren's lament, which he describes as "a love poem about wanderlust, childhood trauma, and surviving together with someone.". i really do think his poems are beautiful, and im excited to read more of his writing when i have time.

fixing you by endlessforms

this post is a year old on a platform that soon wont exist anymore, but fixing you by @endlessforms on cohost was a wonderful story. it's about a robot girl who's getting repaired by her technician girlfriend, and it makes really good use of styling to make the story visually interesting! the story is really cute, and im in love with @endlessforms' writing style. im sad that i have no idea where to find more of its writing in the future. but at least there is more of its writing still on cohost, and i'll definitely be reading that in the future!

i discovered this story from saying goodbye to cohost by ash! its a good post that reflects around cohost, what was good, what was bad, etc.. i really liked it!

that's all!

thank u for reading this. i hope i'll do this again sometime! let me know what you think or about other cool stuff uve seen, i'd love to hear about it!


i actually dont know if i'll do another one of these! im thinking i'd rather just make individual posts about things im watching or listening to or what im doing when i feel like it. so in the future i'd write a blog post about star trek: discovery instead of it being as part of this larger post about everything.

a part of me worries about posting too often or things like that, but it is my blog and ppl can just put me in the "omg shut upppp" category of their rss reader if they get tired of seeing my posts too often.

my blogging is in a very experimental phase!!! im still figuring out what the hell im doing and how the best way to post is!

im writing this as a comment on my own post cuz i wanna write it down somewhere...