website :3

who am i???

hi! i'm tiger, a queer autistic nerd who's inside ur puter!!!

i love to fuck around, but somehow i have yet to find out...

some of my hobbies include , , , and ! the full list is endless, but i hope this small selection of things will satisfy you. for now.

some things i like are my cat, my girlfriend, and there's lots of stuff i like that i haven't gotten around to writing about yet too, so stay tuned :3c

feel free to sign my guestbook while you're here!

  • #A67BFF is my BFF
  • i love shinx
  • i was on cohost
  • made with my own paws
  • reject humanity
  • no binary? no problem!
  • transgender flag
  • trans rights now!
  • free palestine now!
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ive been playing town of salem 2!! its fun, but soo scary...

i really really love lies and deception and deceiving and lying. i would almost go as far as to say that lying is a special interest of mine but that sounds kind of weird so i dont say that usually. but i think making believable lies is like the most satisfying thing in the world so i love games where you get to lie to people!!! cuz obviously u cant just go around lying in real life. thats mean...

but wow town of salem 2 is so different from town of salem 1! lying is like way more complicated, theres so much for me to learn!! in the first game it was usually just "oh im serial killer, and if investigator looks at me the game will tell him im either serial killer or doctor, so i'll claim doctor". now its just like! claim whatever!!! and just try to be convincing!! theres wayyy more possibilities....

i won my first game yesterday as an evil role. but the messed up thing is that i didnt even really have to lie!! i was kinda just subtly pushing attention onto others so ppl never even asked me what role i was until it was too late for them...

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  • #games
  • #short

photos from the last year

some photos i took the last year, but never posted
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  • #made
  • #photography
  • #panasonic lumix gx8

im watching kamen rider kuuga right now and --

actually no i was watching kamen rider kuuga like an hour ago and then i thought "wow this show is cool!!! i wanna write a short post about it to my blog" and then i had an existential crisis about whether or not im allowed to write short blog posts, and then i spent some time to perfect how i present shortform posts (now i can have posts without titles, and short posts will be shown in their entirety on the feed on the frontpage) and NOW i can finally post about kamen rider kuuga.

so anyways im 4 episodes in and kamen rider kuuga is really fun. it has like SUCH bad special effects its so charming (heres a clip) and the characters are fun guys. the main character is such a guy i love him.

i started watching the show because of this post by azure from nuclear strawberry! this show ROCKS.

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what ive been up to (1. - 9. october)

what ive been up to, cool stuff i found, etc.!
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  • #what ive been up to

mc.c asked:

tysm for the compliment ;_; i LOVE your photography so much..... BIG insp as a newbie who just got 1 digicam and 1 35mm cam recently

tysm!!! makes me really happy to hear someone likes my photography!! im really a newbie too so its awesome to hear my photos can be an inspiration :3

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i made an 88x31 button!

i made one! and then i updated it!
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  • #website stuff
  • #made
  • #art
  • #pixel art

1 food item

luis asked:

if one day everyone on earth could only eat 1 food item for the rest of their lives what would yours be?

its a hard question! theres many angles to look at it from.
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a picture of testament, from guilty gear strive


testament from guilty gear is so cool
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  • #blorbos
two manga panels. in panel 1, a catgirl asks 'im kbity?' and the person replies 'you are kbity!'. panel 2 has a closeup of the catgirl and they say 'how?

from theatre school to therian

news reporter asked:

question: how did u become the kitty?

im gonna use this silly ask as an excuse to talk about the entire history of me being animals, and my relationship to being animals
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  • #ask
  • #personal

i have asks now!

tiger asked:

whoaa whats this?!

i have asks now!!
i realized i can use the same system that i use for comments, to also have asks! yay!!!!

the form for sending me asks is on the front page, right below all my links! i dont expect it to get used that much, but i thought its a fun little thing to have :3

they pretty much work exactly the same as comments, except i can easily answer them in a post like this! so its great for, like... asking me stuff!

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  • #website stuff
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  • zoe website
  • erysdren's website
  • abyss' website
  • myno's website
  • oat zone
  • summer's website
  • tulip's website
  • ceci robin's website
  • インディー通信 Indie Tsushin
  • renkon's website
  • colrana's website
  • citadark
  • pont's website
  • swifty's hq
  • kokoscript
  • wordhopper
  • mae bubsy website
  • coffee spills by tallywinkle
  • lily v's website
  • arborelia's website
  • curiousquail's website
  • damien's website
  • moxie's website
  • bumblebee city
  • tuxedo dragon's website
  • pebble's website
  • beeps website
  • meltknuckles website
  • mooeena's website
  • keerifox's website
  • jkap's website
  • wowperfect.net
  • ruby.gay
  • dispatch from the radical dreamland
  • curi lagann AKA hedgemom's website
  • birzeblog
  • candiedreptile.club
  • millie squilly dot com
  • zine of millie
  • surasshu's website
  • meow.garden
  • blinkies.cafe
  • aloe.gay
  • irina's burrow
  • ant dot computer
  • 444631 / Artificial Angel's website
  • lyra dot horse
  • cereza.zone
  • elysia's website
and here's my button! tiger's websitemade by zoe <3

send an ask!

  • the text 'this user is trains' with a trans flag in the background.
  • demigirl pride
  • nonbinary pride
  • pansexual pride
  • dont like, dont read
  • will bite you
  • will bite you
  • blinkies.cafe
  • autism
  • you know, like *nya*
  • i love my computer
  • #A67BFF is my BFF